Summer Time

We are definitely in the thick of the summertime blues! It’s a typically slow time of the year for a retail flower shop with school out and summer vacations in the works! A time when there are late nights and pool parties. Who thinks about flowers during this time of the year? The owner of the flower shop does! We try and create fun events at reasonable prices to attract the attention of our local community and offer several different options for fresh flowers and even the convenience of a delivery service. We also participate in our local farmer’s market with our beautiful premade bouquets. We certainly do our best to make everything beautiful for our customers. Check out our Facebook or Instagram pages for our upcoming design classes. We are holding one tomorrow July 8th at 2pm in our shop. We will be designing the adorable kitty arrangement! This class is $45, and you will have a beautiful kitty arrangement to take home that you created! Our puppy class last weekend was a lot of fun so you should give us a call and reserve a spot! If participating in one of our design classes is not for you but you enjoy fresh flowers, we can create a beautiful arrangement for you! Give us a call at 504-533-9365.


Random Thoughts of a Business Owner