Random Thoughts of a Business Owner

Good morning! Today Simply Petals is participating in the farmer’s market here in Gretna, LA. We will be out there until 12:30pm. Later this afternoon we will have our design a kitty class. I have to say that I am a bit disappointed in the response to these cute classes that I have geared towards the kids. So many comments about how great of an idea but not too many interested in joining the fun! Unfortunately, this has prompted me to not offer design classes in the future. If someone approaches me with a guaranteed amount of people wanting to schedule a class, then I will. It’s very difficult these days to have a small business. There are so many obstacles that have to be overcome. You battle with the ever-increasing product costs, the overhead of having a storefront, the constant addition of competition that set up shop all around you and let’s not begin about the taxes! You can’t survive in this business strictly off your talent, which I definitely have! Outside influences also wreak havoc as well. As a business owner you have to be on point every single day! For the last 8 months my personal life has made it very difficult to be on point! I failed miserable separating the two if I must be honest! As a result, my business is not adequately prepared for this slow summer season! Trying to regroup and get on point has proved to be a very difficult task but I am a survivor and will persevere! On a positive note, I will have two new grandbabies by the end of summer! Have a great day, Brandi


Monday Morning


Summer Time